Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Can TMJ Be Helped By Chiropractic Care? 

TMJ can act like a sliding hinge connecting your jawbone to your skull. Headaches, neck aches, and poor alignment can all be causes of TMJ. With chiropractic care there are many different techniques used to relieve TMJ pain. For example, NUCCA technique is a gentle physical touch on the first vertebrae in the neck used to restore balance in the spine, along with many other upper cervical techniques. TMJ pain can cause a loss of sleep, getting adjusted and putting your neck into proper alignment can reduce those pains as well as get you more sleep. After all, TMJ is a joint and chiropractors are experts on muscles and joints. If you're having TMJ pains and your sleep and neck is getting affected, don't hesitate and call today!

Call today to schedule your FREE consultation! 954-481-2828.  The consultation includes a review of MRI’s/ x-rays that you bring with you, as we as history of symptoms, and FREE insurance verification.  All valued at $93.

Our address is 4800 West Hillsboro Boulevard Suite A11, Coconut Creek, FL 33073

We are conveniently located on the southeast corner of Hillsboro Boulevard and Lyons Road in the city of Coconut Creek.  We are also only minutes away from; Parkland, Coral Springs, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, and Margate.

How Herniated Disc And Bulged Disc Can Be Treated Through Chiropractic Care

     Most herniated and bulged disc occur from poor posture and improper alignment. With chiropractic care there are many techniques used to help herniated and bulged disc. For example, decompression, physical therapy, and most importantly the adjustments. Herniated disc can be caused by many daily activities you may perform like lifting, bending, and everyday activities. Two techniques used to treat herniated discs are flexion distraction technique and pelvic blocking technique. Flexion distraction technique is done on a special table that stretches out the back and spinal column, by shifting the disc back away from the nerve, pain and inflammation can reduce.
Pelvic blocking is when the patient lays down on the table with cushioned wedges placed under the pelvis, these cushions alter your posture and temporarily alleviate pressure on your spine and discs.

Call today to schedule your FREE consultation! 954-481-2828.  The consultation includes a review of MRI’s/ x-rays that you bring with you, as we as history of symptoms, and FREE insurance verification.  All valued at $93.

Our address is 4800 West Hillsboro Boulevard Suite A11, Coconut Creek, FL 33073

We are conveniently located on the southeast corner of Hillsboro Boulevard and Lyons Road in the city of Coconut Creek.  We are also only minutes away from; Parkland, Coral Springs, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, and Margate.

Are all patients adjusted the same way?

 Are all patients adjusted the same way?      A common question that is asked from patients is if everyone is adjusted the same way and the ...